I hope you enjoy reading my stories at least half as much as I enjoyed writing them.


   Prior to writing fiction, I worked in Human Resources for a large company for fourteen years, then I was a Realtor for thirteen years. In both my careers I wrote in a professional capacity. Later in life I had a hair-brained idea that I wanted to be a nurse. I returned to college and there, I discovered that I really enjoyed writing -- nursing school, not so much. But hey, at least I gave it a shot. 



   My novels feature female main characters who gain strength and empowerment in their difficult circumstances. I like watching them grow and change as they survive life's arduous journeys. 

    I've just recently started writing short stories. It's gratifying to be able to express and idea or thought in just a few pages. If you like reading short stories with a twist, make sure you check them out.

   I reside in Auburn, Indiana, with my husband, Mark, and our nubby-tailed cat, Willow. If you've read my books, you already know that Willow is a guest star in Picture My Heart and Dream of My Heart. He makes an appearance in Evidence of Darkness as well.


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